Youth Led Humanities (similar to TRL) is an award-winning, nontraditional book club for teens in grades 7-12, also described as a book club on steriods!
In YLH we read really good books, talk about the issues that come up, and do creative activities related to the humanities. The events we choose to do are driven by teens' interests. This year we learned about improv, made jewelry, have painted, and are making plans to visit the historical Swedish Cabin in Upper Darby.
In YLH we use the humanities (art, music, poetry, history, etc. ) to reflect on and discuss concerns that teens face. The choices of what to read, listen to, or view will be made in collaboration with the group members. Part of the program includes working with peers on a civic engagement project. We meet on Fridays from 3:00 pm - 5:00pm in person, at UDTL - Municipal Branch (501 Bywood Avenue).
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