
The Friends of the Upper Darby Township Public Libraries is a nonprofit group which supports the operation of our local public libraries by supplementing public funding. Recent donations by the Friends have been used to purchase children's and book club books, and to sponsor the virtual author talks. In order to continue the quality of community service performed by our libraries, we encourage your participation in the Friends program. Friends meetings take place on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM in the board room at the Sellers Memorial Branch.

Click here to get the form and print out the page to donate to the Friends today!


Picture of pink blossoms underneath text announcing the spring book sale dates May 2, 3, 9, and 10 in the barn at the Sellers Memorial Branch.

Donations will be accepted at the UDTL Sellers Branch Barn on Tuesdays from 1pm to 3pm, and Saturdays from 10am - 12pm, starting Tuesday, March 4 until Saturday, June 7. No donations will be accepted during the spring sale Saturdays May 3 and May 10.

Please do not leave any donations outside the barn or library at other times. Please speak to a staff member or contact the library at 610-789-4440 with any questions. Thanks for your support!

The Friends are accepting:

  • Books in good condition for adults, teens, and children published within the last 10 years

  • DVDs and DVD Sets

  • Puzzles and board games for all ages (with all pieces)

  • Contemporary artwork, prints, and posters

The Friends are NOT accepting:

  • Books soiled with dirt, smoke, or torn pages

  • Textbooks, workbooks, teacher’s manuals

  • Encyclopedia Sets and reference books

  • Abridged books or book series such as Readers Digest or Time-Life

  • Magazines

  • CDs, VHS tapes, records

  • Furniture and appliances

The spring sale dates in 2025 will be Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3, and Friday and Saturday, May 9 and 10, each day from 10 AM to 3 PM. Saturday May 10 is the $8 bargain bag day.

The Friends of the Upper Darby Township Library are now accepting donations. Just click the DONATE button below!

Fun Times With the Friends